Customer satisfaction;
Reduced Environmental Impact;
Practicing a regenerative pasture only feed system based with hardy breed sheep reduces the carbon foot print of the meat. While hardy breeds might not grow as fast, or to such a size of the commercial breeds they do not require the same level of medical interventions nor do they require any supplementary feed, or access to high protein value grazing. The rough grazing they thrive outdoors on all year is marginal agricultural land not capable of sustaining arable crops, but with careful management can be used to improve carbon capture.Higher Animal welfare
Being hardy breeds the sheep flock doesn't require as many farmer/vet interventions in their lives, regular rotation and low stocking densities reduce stress and parasite levels in the flock, family bonds are maintained and use of the same sheepdog is carefully managed. Lambing happens in late spring once the temperature and light levels have risen and while there is a flush of new grass. A breeding programme at the farm is working towards a modern hair breed flock moving away from the Welsh hill wool breeds that established it. This introduces the advantages of not having to shear them, reduces the incidences of fly attack and bramble entanglement. The slower grow rate of the hardy breeds means that a lamb can take 3 times of more as long to reach sale weight allowing it to achieve more of its potential than what it would have a chance of in a commercial system.
Rare breed, slow rearedThe Berkshire breed pig is a hardy slow growing type of pig. One of the rarest native breeds left in the country it is best suited to living outdoors all year around and produces the riches of flavours as a result.

Hardy breeds, grass fedHardy slow growing UK native breeds are bred on the farm, combining the the positive attributes of of those best suited to the environment available to them here in the Roncombe valley

Traditional breeds free rangingThe Norfolk Black is the oldest native UK breed and the Norfolk Bronze isn't much younger. Both are best suited to an adult life spent entirely outdoors where they'd chose to be, browsing the natural forage under the trees and across the unimproved diverse meadows.

Our Story of Success
Customer satisfaction
Reduced Environmental Impact
Higher Animal Welfare
What makes us different
100% Natural
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sed cursus sapien, vitae fringilla sem. Duis convallis vel nunc at laoreet.
Organic origin
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sed cursus sapien, vitae fringilla sem. Duis convallis vel nunc at laoreet.
Healthy products
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sed cursus sapien, vitae fringilla sem. Duis convallis vel nunc at laoreet.
Diet for body
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sed cursus sapien, vitae fringilla sem. Duis convallis vel nunc at laoreet.
Beauty skin
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sed cursus sapien, vitae fringilla sem. Duis convallis vel nunc at laoreet.
Good taste
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sed cursus sapien, vitae fringilla sem. Duis convallis vel nunc at laoreet.